The COVID19 pandemic has taken a
serious toll on our lives.
Enormous loss of life.
On behalf of the Chapter, I extend our most sincere
sympathy for any loss you may have suffered.
Economics come second with some businesses having
closed temporarily, indefinitely or permanently.
It looks as though we will ALL have to start over,
Some of our members are included among
the losses, having passed from this directly or from
underlying conditions that included COVID19 - Jim Brown, and
1st Sgt Dave Trevino, both of which I knew for
some time and one that I was stationed with while in the
U.S. Marine Corps.
Some members are homebound -- can't get
out of their houses, due to medical problems, or need
assistance. If you’re aware of that, let the Chapter
know by calling one of the officers or myself at
313-720-2712 or email us.
It doesn't take much to let us in on the situation.
And family members are always welcome to call us if
something happens.
This epidemic has also caused a toll on
many fundraisers and meetings, shutting down the meeting
location, or the fundraising location. Such things, as
our Chapter Christmas Party, which did not happen, the
Annual Super Bowl Party, and the Help-A-Veteran Dance is at
risk of cancellation. The Annual Golf Outing is on for
August 28, 2021 at Dearborn Hills Golf Course this year and
planning has begun.
Speaking of fundraising:
due the cancellation of two fundraisers, we will have
to use one of four of our State Raffle Licenses, to make up
for the loss – with a raffle. The cost of tickets
once we get the license, will be $10.00 a ticket, with
prizes of 1st Place $500.00, 2nd Place $200.00 and 3rd Place
$100.00. No
tickets will be mailed, as it is against the State Gaming
Authority to do so -- how other organizations do it, is
beyond me. I've
been through that audit process and was informed (our
committee) that we could not do it and the implication was
that others were also barred from the practice.
Lastly, the three new presumptive
conditions are now in place, and effective March 1, 2021,
Bladder Cancer, Hypothyroidism and Symptoms of Parkinson's
are official. For those who have been pending, or
denied, it’s advisable to seek a Reopening or
Reconsideration of your case.
You will receive arrears owed, depending on the
percentage you ultimately receive. If you have not
filed – file NOW. Surviving Spouses also should file
a claim.
Let’s hope we have a good year all
around! Do all
that you can to help keep everyone safe and healthy.